Hi, i've just bought a secondhand but unreg multiecuscan cantiecar v2.0, i registered the softwere and checked out my car alfa gt 1.9 jtd, could not communicate with abs vdc asr,,etc, but did everthing else i wanted inc proxy realignment, any ideas please also what is the service button on the unit for? probably a really dull question,thank you in advance.
try bt link
seems ctc is very fast for FES/MES
???????? now totally lost, please explain more
just the some cars have slow CAN-bus ecus
FES is adjusting timings to work with all ecus
but it is depends on PC
on elm-adapters slow serial link is used and it is working properly
but as for CtC - it is real usb-link adapter (12 Mbits/s)
so it is communicated with sw very fast... and sw can not to set right timing to communicate with slow ecus because theirs time adjusting procedures has optimized for serial link adapters
if you will to use bluetooth connection with CtC for the slow ecus - all would to work properly
Hi,thanks for the reply